6 Interior Design Tips to Embellish and Refresh Your Airbnb - Easy Travel Recipes (2024)

6 Interior Design Tips to Embellish and Refresh Your Airbnb - Easy Travel Recipes (1)

Earning with Airbnb can be a fruitful, albeit risky endeavor, due to the necessary investments. If you wish to attract customers, the place needs to look presentable. However, investing a large sum of money to completely redecorate your Airbnb space isn’t always a must. Here are some simple interior design tips to help you refresh and style up your Airbnb to get more customers.

1. Keep the profile of your target clientele in mind

Not all Airbnb listings are created equal. In order to cater to your customers’ needs, you ought to consider their profiles. For example, if you aim to attract guests that are looking for budget-friendly accommodation, then you’ll have to find ways to make the place look presentable without overspending. Depending on the location, you may target families with children. In that case, the space needs to be child-friendly. For instance, you could child-proof it by adding outlet covers.

2. Declutter the space

As they say, in some cases “less is more”. Especially if you’re working with a smaller room, try to take out anything that isn’t necessary and makes the space look confined. Try to put yourself in your guests’ shoes and think whether all the furniture and items there would be useful for you. For example, try to imagine whether you would use all the chairs in the room.

Furthermore, you should get rid of any non-functional items from the counters, as that way, the place will look cleaner. By “non-functional”, we are referring to any item that doesn’t serve any purpose. Therefore, if an item is probably not going to be used or doesn’t embellish the room in any way, then you should take it out.

6 Interior Design Tips to Embellish and Refresh Your Airbnb - Easy Travel Recipes (2)

3. Spice it up a stylish rug

Placing a new rug in the room can completely transform it. Rugs have the power to make the room look smaller or bigger, bold or modest, depending on the model you choose. If your rental is tiny, you may incorporate a lighter rug to make it appear larger. Also, bold patterns and vivid colors are a great choice when the rest of the room features muted colors. That will really make the space stand out. If you’re looking for fashionable carpets in Hong Kong, New Zealand, or Australia, Miss Amara offers free shipping in those countries. You may choose from a variety of shapes, sizes, high-quality materials, and eye-catching designs.

6 Interior Design Tips to Embellish and Refresh Your Airbnb - Easy Travel Recipes (3)

4. Reupholster the furniture

Buying new furniture is costly and not always essential. If you already have a good quality chair, sofa, or couch that looks a bit monotone, you can reupholster it and make it appear as good as new. The upside to this is the fact that you get to choose the fabric which fits well with the rest of the space. Try not to have too many bold patterns and colors in one room. For example, you could have a patterned rug and match it with a monochromatic sofa. In that case, the color of the sofa should be one of the colors that are featured on the carpet.

5. Add simple accessories

There are a range of trends in interior design that can raise the value of your Airbnb. However, some things never go out of style, as is the case with accessories. That’s not to say that you should overcrowd the room with them. Simple things such as pillows that match the color or the pattern of the rug can make the room look cohesive and well-put-together. Also, you could add plants or flowers which are bound to make the room look more lively and fresh. They can be artificial, but in case you opt for real ones, make sure that they are easy to care for, as you can’t expect your guests to water the plants.

6 Interior Design Tips to Embellish and Refresh Your Airbnb - Easy Travel Recipes (4)

6. Decorate the walls

Decorating the walls is a simple, yet effective method that can transform the vibe of the whole room. This is where you can let your imagination run wild and even paint a mural. Tapestry and printed wallpapers are also an option that can contribute to a daring feel. If you’re not going for a bold vibe, you can hang a mirror. Not only is that yet another sneaky way to ostensibly enlarge a room, it’s also useful, as the guests won’t have to rely on tiny mirrors they brought with them. In order to avoid the wall looking too monotone, you can add some pictures or paintings.

As you’ve seen, there are many ways to freshen and style up your Airbnb without it costing you a fortune. With a bit of imagination and creativity, you can turn your rental into a unique, fashionable place that makes the guests’ vacation truly enjoyable.

6 Interior Design Tips to Embellish and Refresh Your Airbnb - Easy Travel Recipes (2024)


How do I make my Airbnb cozy? ›

3 Ways to Cozy Up Your Airbnb
  1. 1) Add rustic elements. Rustic style is known for its homey vibes and inviting charm. ...
  2. 2) Incorporate texture. The right tactile touches to your design will emphasize the comfort of your space and give your Airbnb a personality that welcomes. ...
  3. 3) Opt for calm, soothing colors.

How to dress your Airbnb? ›

In my opinion, less really is more. Scatter cushions and some rugs, even a throw can make a lovely addition to your Airbnb property because it makes it feel like home. Some nice artworks or a sculpture can also create a relaxed atmosphere that is unlike staying in a hotel, providing some uniqueness.

What do Airbnb guests want most? ›

Essential Airbnb amenities to include
  • Hot water. Although not a requirement for Airbnb's essential checklist, hot water is very much an expected amenity by guests and is used for bathing, showering, heating and washing up.
  • Toilet paper. ...
  • Towels. ...
  • Pillows. ...
  • Bed linen. ...
  • Toiletries. ...
  • Clothes hangers. ...
  • Cleaning supplies.
May 4, 2023

How do I make Airbnb more appealing? ›

Use high-quality photos that showcase your property's unique features and write a compelling description that highlights its best attributes. Other helpful ways of making your Airbnb stand out are: Offering desirable amenities like Wi-Fi, air conditioning, and well-equipped kitchens can attract more guests.

How do I make my Airbnb guest feel special? ›

From fluffing the pillows to adding amenities, it's all about the details. Bring in a little wow factor by leveling up your amenities. Interior designers and Superhosts reveal how they create memorable stays. Follow a cleaning checklist, use checkout tools, and update your amenities.

How do I make Airbnb look expensive? ›

Tips to Make Your Luxury Airbnb Stand Out
  1. Invest in high-quality photos. ...
  2. Be accurate in your listing description. ...
  3. Update listings. ...
  4. Create a superior Airbnb host profile. ...
  5. Respond on-time. ...
  6. Family-friendly additions. ...
  7. Offer welcome gifts. ...
  8. Offer a Local Guide.

What makes Airbnb guests happy? ›

Snacks are a great way to make your guests feel welcome at home. You can offer light snacks like crackers, chips, or nuts in the kitchen and add a few bottles of water in the refrigerator. If you have kids or expect children to be visiting, consider adding a few kid-friendly snacks as well.

Does decor matter on Airbnb? ›

It's likely your guest booked your property only after deciding where they wanted to go on their trip. To make their stay memorable, consider decorating your home with a sense of place.

What attracts Airbnb guests? ›

Another way to attract respectful guests to your Airbnb is by offering additional amenities or services to enhance their experience. This can include things like providing extra towels and linens, offering a welcome basket with snacks and drinks, or providing access to a shared pool or other shared spaces.

How to design the perfect Airbnb? ›

Remember these top ten Airbnb interior design tips, and your property will be booked solid:
  1. Accentuate areas of light.
  2. Add local touches.
  3. Add a splash of color.
  4. Avoid clutter.
  5. Decorate with mirrors.
  6. Decorate with plants.
  7. Identify your target audience.
  8. Invest in high-quality furniture.
Oct 16, 2023

How can I improve my Airbnb? ›

In this article
  1. Let your listing description sparkle with high-quality photos.
  2. Show you've got what guests want.
  3. Maximize your time with hosting tools and by troubleshooting.
  4. Make booking easier with Instant Book, pre-approvals, or special offers.
  5. Use guest reviews to improve your listing.
  6. Get tips for the off-season.

How do I make my Airbnb worth more? ›

Let's take a look at 7 clever ways to increase your Airbnb revenue.
  1. Rent Out Extra Storage Space. ...
  2. Rent Out Extra Parking. ...
  3. Make Use of a Large Yard or Acreage. ...
  4. Provide Pet-friendly Accommodations. ...
  5. Craft Unique Airbnb Experiences. ...
  6. Optimize Property Features and Amenities. ...
  7. Become an Airbnb Consultant.

How do I make my Airbnb listing stand out? ›

10 Hacks to make my Airbnb standout
  1. 1) Competitive Pricing. ...
  2. 2)Increase Guest Reviews. ...
  3. 3) Keep your listings precise, pertinent and enthralling. ...
  4. 4) Target the ideal guests. ...
  5. 5) Invest in great photography. ...
  6. 6) Allow spontaneous bookings. ...
  7. 7) Request other local hosts to recommend your property.

What adds the most value to an Airbnb? ›

Market the other value add-ons of your property

Access to professional contacts: Another valuable add-on to investors is providing access to a network of professionals. They may include property managers, cleaners, and maintenance pros who keep the property shipshape.


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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.